Hypnotherapy London | Hypnotherapy training London | Psychotherapy | Smoking cessation
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This page allows us to describe and give prices for the services we provide.

Brookhouse Hypnotherapy (London) Number 7,  23-24 Great James St, London, WC1N 3ES

Phone: +44 (0)845 0763724

Our Services

Brookhouse Hypnotherapy (London): Hypnotherapy, Psychotherapy, Counselling and Coaching

We believe our years of experience within this field will help us answer all of your questions and take care of all of your needs.

The following is a list our services and rates:



General Therapeutic Services £90 Per Session

Special One Session Smoking Cessation Treatment


Clinical Supervision

£ On Application
Coaching £150-£300 Per Calander Month

In addition to the named services we also provide therapeutic training in London and in Manchester. For futher details about this please go to either The UK Academy of Therapeutic Arts and Sciences (continuing professional development for therapists) or the Washington School of Clinical and Advanced Hypnosis (training to become a hypnotherapist)

We will update this page frequently so be sure to check back!

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